Proximity Vibration Signal Conditioners
Most vibration dynamic signals from an accelerometer, velocity sensor or proximity probe system are limited to approximately 300 meters (1,000 ft) without signal degradation. Beyond 300 meters (1,000 ft), the dynamic signal high frequency vibration content (> 1,000 Hz) will begin to suffer. Vibration signal conditioners are used to extend the dynamic signal from an accelerometer, velocity sensor or proximity probe another 300 meter (1,000 ft). This is done using a unity gain amplifier. This ensures that the dynamic vibration signal does not suffer any signal degradation from the measurement point to the monitor rack.
Metrix signal conditioners not only provide this dynamic signal extension capability, but they also provide a proportional 4-20 mA output suitable for control systems, Programmable Logic Controller (PLCs) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems.
The Metrix signal conditioners are powered by 24-volt DC power. They can be used for accelerometers, velocity sensors and proximity probe systems.

5580 Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner
This signal conditioner can accept signals from machine casing-mounted velocity sensors, accelerometers, or shaft-observing proximity probe systems. It produces a 4-20 mA output proportional to the measured variable to amplify signals. This Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner features two independent channels and a scale output function that can be selected for various units (e.g., RMS, peak, or peak-to-peak if a proximity sensor is used).
When using a proximity probe system as an input, the 5580 Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner can output peak to peak vibration, thrust position, and or speed. The 5580 can be configured with the free Metrix software for a variety of scale ranges.
The 5580 comes with a BNC to access the raw signal and LEDs for sensor status. The display can be used to read both the engineering units and mA for each channel. It can be applied to various items, including generators, turbines, reciprocating compressors, industrial fans, centrifuges, natural gas/diesel engines, motors, and pumps.