Top-Quality Seismic Sensors
What Are Seismic Sensors?
Historically, seismic sensors were created initially to help society predict seismic wave activity that could lead to catastrophic earthquakes. Now, we have repurposed those seismic sensors to measure the casing vibration on rotating and reciprocating machines.
How Do Seismic Sensors Work?
We use the word “seismic” because the casing vibration sensor is inertially referenced to the machine its mounted on. “Inertially referenced” means that the mass inside the sensor does not want to move, and when movement occurs (vibration), the sensor provides an output.

These devices measure the acceleration on the casing of the machine or on structures, like piping. They are typically used for machines that operate above 60 Hz.

Velocity Sensors
These devices measure the velocity on the casing of the machine or on structures, like piping. They are typically used for machines that operate at or below 60 Hz.
Trust in Metrix For Your Vibration Monitoring Solutions
Metrix Vibration is a seismic sensor supplier with a dedicated focus on protecting industries worldwide, including petrochemical, oil and gas, pipeline, power generation, water, and chemical. We provide the highest quality equipment to protect your machinery and keep workers safe. For 55 years, industries have trusted us to provide them with vibration monitoring solutions that are easy to implement and effective. We offer seismic sensors with a variety of options to enable use in arduous and hazardous environmental conditions.
Our Metrix team is ready to help you. If you are looking to monitor and protect your rotating and reciprocating machinery, check out our high-quality vibration monitoring equipment catalog, visit our online store to place an order, or contact us for any inquiries or additional information.