SIL Certifications for Our Vibration Monitoring Devices
SIL (Safety Integrity Level) is a method or measurement unit to determine the reliability of electrical, electronic and programmable systems. Our products were thoroughly evaluated by a third party agency on the basis of IEC61508 Functional Safety standards to obtain the SIL certifications.
The assessments cover the areas of systematic capability, hardware safety integrity and random safety integrity. Achieving SIL certification signifies that the product has been thoroughly assessed and is a reliable electronic device ready to use across a wide range of industries.

SIL Certified Products
- 5580 Smart Vibration Signal Conditioner
- SW5580 Smart Vibration Switch
- SA6200A API 670 Accelerometer
- 5485C High Temp. Velocity Sensor
- ST5484E Velocity Transmitter
- 5550 / 5550G Vibration Switch
- MX2033 3-Wire Driver
- MX2034 4-20 mA Proximity Transmitter
- MX8030 Proximity Probe
- MX8031 Proximity Extension Cable
- MX2030 Proximity Probe
- MX2031 Proximity Extension Cable